Kpop spazz

Sunday, August 7, 2011

U-Kiss Eli

I'm in love with Eli from U-Kiss.. I just view his 100% own tumblr and send an ask! And he answer me! OMG! I'm spazzing too much that time! I regret nothing for drop an ask to him! as the result my follower increased and he gave me the best memory as he is the first popular person to reply me and he is very popular because he is an INTERNATIONAL ARTIST! I'm so lucky that night! everybody congrats me as I just blurr because I still cannot believe a real international artist replies me on tumblr and he have a lot of followers lol! everybody ask me how to get replies from Eli, but seriously IDK! IDE expect he will answer me! keke.. but I will fulfil my promise and your wish! I'll try to do it oppa! To people who still don't know Eli's tumblr, click here. Here, I'll post a screenshot of my ask and his replies..
It's actually I'm still trying not I'm trying still.. I don't care about my grammar as long as Eli replies me ^^

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 25th 2011, stuff@school - The Star Newspaper
originally from Dhanyasri Kathirasan (Kedah, Malaysia)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tina.. do you realize something? You're are disturbing people.. People doesn't like the people who always disturbing them.. Even though he or she is your best friend.. I know you never care if people disturbing on personals but not all people are the same.. You must realize that.. Not all people as stupid as you.. Everybody wants to makes you as their enemy.. Nobody likes you.. Wake up Tina.. Wake up.. Nobody will care if your tears dropping right now.. Nobody will see it.. Nobody will concern about you.. Nobody Tina.. Nobody Tina.. There will nobody will ask you why are you crying.. What are you thinking.. Even, do you love them.. Yes, it's only me love them but they never appreciate it.. but, I accept it as Allah's test for me.. One by one Allah give me test but this one, I can't stop crying because I totally can't lie without her.. She's my life.. She, my mom, n my sis are my life.. I love them so much.. but, why could she do this to me? Maybe I only present on her life for disturbing her.. and she'll don't like it forever and ever.. It's okay dear.. If you don't like something about me, just say it out loud and let the peoples know.. I'll never care if anybody talk back about me but I'll do care if you do..

Just wake up from dreaming,

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My GIFs.. :)

My first gif is a private gif.. keke.. I can't post it.. keke

currently, this is my second gif.. :) how sexy my b2st are :) aww.. hot..

My first follow friday on Tumblr.. since I am a month old for tumblr active user, I decided to create a follow friday so, my followers can follow my tumblr friends and my tumblr friends can increase their follower :)

Third gif

Junior Nabil n Junior Farisha

I know this edit is not as cool as Mr. and Mrs. Nabil Ashraf but, this is just for wishing both of you sucess in your life n makes love not as an obstacle to sucess..

Good luck juniors.. Study smart okay :)
Always be happy :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mine: Haha . Tina . SO SWEET KAN DIA ? hahahahahaha

Haha . Tina . SO SWEET KAN DIA ? hahahahahaha
: "Haha . Tina . SO SWEET KAN DIA ? hahahahahaha"

thanx dear.. I really appreciate this.. I never thought that you'll print screen this and post to your blog.. hrmm.. thanks baby.. You are my precious person ever..

Friday, April 1, 2011


aaa.. what a relive.. for such a long time I haven't update this blog as I spent my internet time in front tumblr because my best friend give me BEAST addict virus.. haha.. love you eni.. I'll always love you