Kpop spazz

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tina.. do you realize something? You're are disturbing people.. People doesn't like the people who always disturbing them.. Even though he or she is your best friend.. I know you never care if people disturbing on personals but not all people are the same.. You must realize that.. Not all people as stupid as you.. Everybody wants to makes you as their enemy.. Nobody likes you.. Wake up Tina.. Wake up.. Nobody will care if your tears dropping right now.. Nobody will see it.. Nobody will concern about you.. Nobody Tina.. Nobody Tina.. There will nobody will ask you why are you crying.. What are you thinking.. Even, do you love them.. Yes, it's only me love them but they never appreciate it.. but, I accept it as Allah's test for me.. One by one Allah give me test but this one, I can't stop crying because I totally can't lie without her.. She's my life.. She, my mom, n my sis are my life.. I love them so much.. but, why could she do this to me? Maybe I only present on her life for disturbing her.. and she'll don't like it forever and ever.. It's okay dear.. If you don't like something about me, just say it out loud and let the peoples know.. I'll never care if anybody talk back about me but I'll do care if you do..

Just wake up from dreaming,

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