Kpop spazz

Sunday, August 7, 2011

U-Kiss Eli

I'm in love with Eli from U-Kiss.. I just view his 100% own tumblr and send an ask! And he answer me! OMG! I'm spazzing too much that time! I regret nothing for drop an ask to him! as the result my follower increased and he gave me the best memory as he is the first popular person to reply me and he is very popular because he is an INTERNATIONAL ARTIST! I'm so lucky that night! everybody congrats me as I just blurr because I still cannot believe a real international artist replies me on tumblr and he have a lot of followers lol! everybody ask me how to get replies from Eli, but seriously IDK! IDE expect he will answer me! keke.. but I will fulfil my promise and your wish! I'll try to do it oppa! To people who still don't know Eli's tumblr, click here. Here, I'll post a screenshot of my ask and his replies..
It's actually I'm still trying not I'm trying still.. I don't care about my grammar as long as Eli replies me ^^

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