Kpop spazz

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Homework :(

My homeworks are not done yet.. They're like as tall as KL Tower.. Erghhh -.- .. honestly, I love homework but I don't want to get too much of it.. It love to make things difficult.. I do love NUMBERS.. I love to do calculations for Mathematics and Additional Mathematics draftly.. it like make my world of NUMBERS free from rules of arrangements.. Nobody can change my hobby and my interest.. By the way, I think I haven't update this blog for a week.. wow.. Now, I do miss my boarding school friends like Siti(Azma), Usamah, Aliaa, Athirah, and Harriz.. :( Dude.. come on.. Give me some information of your "country shock" of the new situation of new school.. :) haha.. Okay.. Now I just realize that I've out of topic.. -.- But I miss all of you so much.. :( I think my hot tears dropping by my chubby cheek *perasaan*.. :'( And that make me feel like want to stop typing now.. I can't make it more interesting than talking about my friends.. Sorry if i had been over beyond.. thank you for reading this.. :')

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